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Pork Cheese Grillers are perfection. It’s a combinations of two of everyone else’s favorite ingredients: Pork and cheese. How can you say no to that? With that in mind, we knew we had to add it to our online shop so that you can order this goodness online with no hassles.

How do you cook these Pork Cheese Grillers?

To add them to your breakfast, simply heat up some oil in a pan. Thereafter you can fry them off until they are cooked. However, if you are feeling a bit more adventurous, you can add these to your braai on a Saturday night. They are perfect for snacking while standing around the braai fire with some mates.

Additionally, if you have leftovers (which is rare), you can create a killer dogwood with these by simply slicing them up and adding them to your favorite dogwood ingredients. This way, you know that your cheese grilles will never go to waste.

We have a whole range of meat products to suit everyone’s taste buds! View our extensive range of meat online. We deliver to Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Emahlahleni every week. Want to keep up to date about our latest specials? Join us over on Facebook where we’re always sharing the best deals!

Additional information

Weight0.5 kg
Choose your Portion Sizes

1000g (Pack), 500g (Pack)

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